Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the GEOLINK factory.

Export of Products

Export of GEOLINK products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All GEOLINK products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant GEOLINK: telemetry modules, flow meters, heat meters, security and fire alarm systems, hydrogeological monitoring
  • Communication modules GEOLINK
    Communication modules
    series SEINE-5, P, PR, K, Z, etc.
  • Measuring modules GEOLINK
    Measuring modules
    SEINE series+M, TN, etc.
  • Control modules GEOLINK
    Control modules
    SEINE series+BS et al .
  • Complete cabinets GEOLINK
    Complete cabinets
    series USP, USPK, USR, SHUN, etc.
  • Other sensors GEOLINK
    Other sensors
    ADU series , etc .
  • Auxiliary modules GEOLINK
    Auxiliary modules
    series SEINE+P, AGP, etc.
  • Security and fire alarm systems GEOLINK
    Security and fire alarm systems
    series SEINE + SHS, CD, BP, etc.
  • Ultrasonic flow meters GEOLINK
    Ultrasonic flow meters
    GEOSTRIM series, etc.
  • Flow meters and heat meters GEOLINK
    Flow meters and heat meters
    series SIMAG, SIMAT, etc.
  • Hydrogeological complexes GEOLINK
    Hydrogeological complexes
    AGK, ASGK, AM, OK, SK, etc.
  • Temperature sensors GEOLINK
    Temperature sensors
    series of GEOTHERMS, etc.


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